Gun control is a hot button topic in America. While the 2nd amendment assure the fundamental rights of Americans is ownership of a gun or as i like to call them weapons. Some ultra- left supporters like the idea of only military and police owning or having weapons. Some supporters of the 2nd amendment,don't like the idea of only military or police having weapons. Dictators of the past like outlawing weapons as a means of controlling society. I'm remained of the Warsaw ghetto ,where a handful of weapons kept the Gestapo at bay for several days. The regular Army had to come in with tanks and heavy machine gun fire and overwhelm the resistors. Besides only states have the right to issue weapons laws, not the federal government.Sheriff Richard Mack, and 6 other sheriff's sued the Clinton Administration over the Brady Bill and won . The Supreme Court said it was a state issue. The sheriff is the CLEO ( constitutional law enforcement officer). is the front line of this. If the sheriff actually follows this, he has trampled on your rights. I hope 67 sheriffs in Florida will do the right thing on this.
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